How to Tell an Impactful Brand Story: Learning from NEI’s Fissionary

How to Tell an Impactful Brand Story: Learning from NEI’s Fissionary

Discover how NEI’s podcast, Fissionary, masters the art of impactful brand narratives. Gain insights and strategies to elevate your own brand story and engage audiences with compelling techniques.
August 7, 2024

We’re constantly flooded with AI-generated content, clickbait links, and well, useless information. Within a digital landscape that’s so oversaturated with content that provides no value, it makes authenticity stand out as a rare commodity – especially when the messaging comes from a major brand.

The critical element of any successful podcast is its ability to tell a story that feels true to its audience. Listeners are good at detecting insincerity and are quick to tune out content that feels more like an advertisement than a genuine narrative. 

Put another way – no one wants to be pitched to when they’re just looking to enjoy a podcast on their daily commute.

But how can a branded podcast meet company objectives while keeping listeners entertained authentically?

That’s where brand storytelling comes in. 

What is brand storytelling in podcasting? 

Brand storytelling in podcasting involves using a narrative to forge a connection between a brand and its audience, highlighting shared values. This process combines key narrative elements such as characters, settings, and a compelling plot, which are essential for creating memorable and impactful stories.

When executed effectively, brand storytelling weaves the brand’s values and messages into engaging stories that resonate with listeners, leading to stronger connections which are crucial for building brand loyalty.

Podcasting, in particular, lends itself to brand storytelling. Its intimate and convenient nature allows brands to create a bond with listeners more easily. Plus, compared to videos that receive the most engagement when they’re under two minutes in length, podcasts hold listeners’ attention for 43 minutes on average – that’s a lot of time to forge a connection.

Introducing Fissionary, a branded podcast by NEI 

To help you see what brand storytelling can look like in action, we’ve decided to loop the  Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and their MarCom award-winning podcast, Fissionary into the conversation. 

Based in Washington, D.C., NEI is a U.S. policy and technical organization dedicated to all aspects of the commercial nuclear industry. 

They created Fissionary to help everyday people understand the benefits of nuclear energy and advocate for clean, sustainable energy solutions. 

From addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change to enhancing energy security, Fissionary looks at the pivotal role of nuclear energy in shaping our world. Through engaging discussions with experts, researchers, and influencers from diverse backgrounds, the podcast invites listeners to envision a future powered by clean nuclear energy. 

Fissionary excels in brand storytelling by weaving complex concepts into relatable narratives. The podcast goes beyond traditional discussions of nuclear energy by integrating it into broader societal and cultural contexts. This approach makes the content accessible and engaging for a wide audience – not just those with a technical background.

Now that you have a better understanding of Fissionary, let’s use it as a guide while we explore several ways you can leverage brand storytelling in your own corporate podcast. 

Choosing a format to tell your brand’s story

Selecting the right format is crucial in effectively conveying your brand’s narrative because it shapes how your story is told and how your audience engages with content.

Different podcast formats bring distinct styles, structures, and purposes. Here’s a glance at some popular branded podcast formats:

  1. Interviews: The most popular podcast format, interviews allow for dynamic conversations with various experts and personalities. It’s perfect for brands that want to highlight industry thought leaders or delve into specific topics.
  2. Documentary style: These podcasts blend narration, interviews, and soundscapes to tell a story over multiple episodes. This format works well for brands with rich histories, complex topics that benefit from a deep dive, or when investigating a question to be answered.
  3. Solo monologues: In this format, a single host guides the listener through the content, providing a personal and direct connection. It’s ideal for brands looking to position a key figure as the voice of authority.

Don’t shy away from trying different formats to find what best suits your brand’s content, messaging, and goals. Experimentation can reveal which structure most effectively conveys your brand’s story and resonates with audiences. 

Fissionary’s podcast interview format

Fissionary uses an interview format to effectively communicate the organization's stance on nuclear energy while engaging audiences with various degrees of familiarity with the topic. 

A unique element of Fissionary’s interview process is that the hosts weave in personal anecdotes naturally. This helps make the guest feel more comfortable while bringing listeners who aren’t familiar with nuclear closer to the conversation.

By featuring experts, researchers, influencers, and even unconventional voices like a pageant queen, Fissionary positions NEI as a thought leader in energy and climate conversations. Each episode explores complex topics like climate change and medicine, offering meaningful insights and expert opinions that educate and inform listeners. 

From technical advancements to policy implications and societal benefits, the variety of guests ensures that every episode is fresh, unique, and thought-provoking. 

Selecting the right podcast host 

Through the lens of brand storytelling, your host acts as your story’s narrator. Needless to say, it’s quite an important job. 

When selecting your show’s host, you’ll want to pick someone familiar with your brand – that’s everything from your values and ethos to history. 

Remember to keep in mind what we said earlier about authenticity – audiences are discerning and if they sense your host isn’t really “in it,” they won’t stick around.

On top of that, whether you opt to go for an internal or external host, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Confidence behind the mic: You’ll want someone who can hold their own behind the microphone or carry a conversation (if you opt for an interview format).
  • Expertise: Ideally, you’ll want a host with an excellent understanding of your industry and can offer informed perspectives to your audience. 
  • Recognition: While not a must, it is a nice bonus if your host’s name carries some weight in your industry. This expands both your credibility and reach. 

Meet Mary Carpenter and Jordan Houghton,– the hosts of Fissionary 

Fissionary’s hosts, Mary Carpenter and Jordan Houghton play pivotal roles in building a strong connection with the audience and the show’s wide array of guests, helping to tell NEI’s brand story. 

Both hosts and their roles—Mary in content and digital strategy, and Jordan in media relations—bring firsthand insights into the organization’s history, mission, and the challenges it addresses through nuclear technology. This provides listeners with a deeper understanding of the organization’s evolution and fosters a sense of trust. 

Above all, however, it’s their genuine enthusiasm for nuclear energy and its potential impact that resonates with listeners.

Tailor your guest selection

If your host is your story’s narrator, your guests are the side characters. 

Even though an interview is the most popular podcast format, listeners won’t tune into just any conversation. So when it comes to guest selection, here’s what you should be looking out for:

  • What value and expertise do they bring to the table? Guests should contribute meaningfully to discussions, so whether they’re an industry leader, expert, or simply someone with a cool (and relevant) story to tell, their insights should educate, entertain, or inspire. 
  • Do they have engaging or compelling stories to share? Guests with interesting and engaging stories capture the attention of your audience. Their narratives can humanize complex topics, making them relatable and digestible. 
  • Does the guest fit into your podcast’s niche? Choosing guests who fit into your podcast’s niche ensures coherence in your storytelling. While your podcast shouldn’t live in an echo chamber, the diverse voices and perspectives you feature should still align with the overarching themes of your podcast. 

On top of all that, if you share personal connections and anecdotes with your guests, that’s a bonus. Sharing how you met a guest, quirky stories, or personal connections humanizes the podcast and strengthens the host-guest dynamic. These personal touches make listeners feel included in intimate conversations and your story.

Fissionary’s guest lineup – featuring nuclear scientists, CEOs, and even a pageant queen

One of Fissionary’s standout features is its ability to integrate nuclear energy into a broader cultural and societal context – namely in TV and movies like Godzilla, Spider-Man, and The Simpsons. One reason why the podcast can do this so effectively is because of its robust lineup of guests. 

For instance, episode 4 brings on Zion Lights, founder of a climate activism group and esteemed author, to examine the profound impact of pop culture—specifically "The Simpsons"—on public perception of nuclear energy. 

In a similar vein, episode 1 brings on Grace Stanke, Miss America 2023 and a nuclear engineer, to talk about the ways that nuclear fission contributes to society and how to become a nuclear advocate.

While the core theme remains clean energy, the episode skillfully navigates topics of communication, media influence, and historical context. This approach educates and involves a wider audience by connecting complex scientific subjects with familiar cultural touchstones.

Learning from Fissionary 

There’s nothing that engages people quite like a good story, but when brands enter the equation, it can be a bit challenging to balance telling an authentic, real story that still aligns with business objectives. 

In this instance, the best thing we can do is turn to brands that are doing it right. 

Fissionary by NEI exemplifies how effective audio brand storytelling can educate, inspire, and captivate audiences on complex topics like nuclear energy. 

To see all of these techniques in action, listen to Fissionary wherever you get your podcasts.


About the author

Tianna Marinucci is a content creation and digital marketing specialist. She graduated from McGill University in 2021 and has since worked in a variety of industries from interior design to technology.

After traveling to more than 60 countries and working in three, she is inspired by diverse cultures and motivated by unique experiences.

In her spare time, Tianna loves trying new foods, going to concerts, and learning more about history and socio-economics through books and podcasts.

More Like This

Branded Podcasts

How to Tell an Impactful Brand Story: Learning from NEI’s Fissionary

Last updated on: 
August 7, 2024

Discover how NEI’s podcast, Fissionary, masters the art of impactful brand narratives. Gain insights and strategies to elevate your own brand story and engage audiences with compelling techniques.

We’re constantly flooded with AI-generated content, clickbait links, and well, useless information. Within a digital landscape that’s so oversaturated with content that provides no value, it makes authenticity stand out as a rare commodity – especially when the messaging comes from a major brand.

The critical element of any successful podcast is its ability to tell a story that feels true to its audience. Listeners are good at detecting insincerity and are quick to tune out content that feels more like an advertisement than a genuine narrative. 

Put another way – no one wants to be pitched to when they’re just looking to enjoy a podcast on their daily commute.

But how can a branded podcast meet company objectives while keeping listeners entertained authentically?

That’s where brand storytelling comes in. 

What is brand storytelling in podcasting? 

Brand storytelling in podcasting involves using a narrative to forge a connection between a brand and its audience, highlighting shared values. This process combines key narrative elements such as characters, settings, and a compelling plot, which are essential for creating memorable and impactful stories.

When executed effectively, brand storytelling weaves the brand’s values and messages into engaging stories that resonate with listeners, leading to stronger connections which are crucial for building brand loyalty.

Podcasting, in particular, lends itself to brand storytelling. Its intimate and convenient nature allows brands to create a bond with listeners more easily. Plus, compared to videos that receive the most engagement when they’re under two minutes in length, podcasts hold listeners’ attention for 43 minutes on average – that’s a lot of time to forge a connection.

Introducing Fissionary, a branded podcast by NEI 

To help you see what brand storytelling can look like in action, we’ve decided to loop the  Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and their MarCom award-winning podcast, Fissionary into the conversation. 

Based in Washington, D.C., NEI is a U.S. policy and technical organization dedicated to all aspects of the commercial nuclear industry. 

They created Fissionary to help everyday people understand the benefits of nuclear energy and advocate for clean, sustainable energy solutions. 

From addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change to enhancing energy security, Fissionary looks at the pivotal role of nuclear energy in shaping our world. Through engaging discussions with experts, researchers, and influencers from diverse backgrounds, the podcast invites listeners to envision a future powered by clean nuclear energy. 

Fissionary excels in brand storytelling by weaving complex concepts into relatable narratives. The podcast goes beyond traditional discussions of nuclear energy by integrating it into broader societal and cultural contexts. This approach makes the content accessible and engaging for a wide audience – not just those with a technical background.

Now that you have a better understanding of Fissionary, let’s use it as a guide while we explore several ways you can leverage brand storytelling in your own corporate podcast. 

Choosing a format to tell your brand’s story

Selecting the right format is crucial in effectively conveying your brand’s narrative because it shapes how your story is told and how your audience engages with content.

Different podcast formats bring distinct styles, structures, and purposes. Here’s a glance at some popular branded podcast formats:

  1. Interviews: The most popular podcast format, interviews allow for dynamic conversations with various experts and personalities. It’s perfect for brands that want to highlight industry thought leaders or delve into specific topics.
  2. Documentary style: These podcasts blend narration, interviews, and soundscapes to tell a story over multiple episodes. This format works well for brands with rich histories, complex topics that benefit from a deep dive, or when investigating a question to be answered.
  3. Solo monologues: In this format, a single host guides the listener through the content, providing a personal and direct connection. It’s ideal for brands looking to position a key figure as the voice of authority.

Don’t shy away from trying different formats to find what best suits your brand’s content, messaging, and goals. Experimentation can reveal which structure most effectively conveys your brand’s story and resonates with audiences. 

Fissionary’s podcast interview format

Fissionary uses an interview format to effectively communicate the organization's stance on nuclear energy while engaging audiences with various degrees of familiarity with the topic. 

A unique element of Fissionary’s interview process is that the hosts weave in personal anecdotes naturally. This helps make the guest feel more comfortable while bringing listeners who aren’t familiar with nuclear closer to the conversation.

By featuring experts, researchers, influencers, and even unconventional voices like a pageant queen, Fissionary positions NEI as a thought leader in energy and climate conversations. Each episode explores complex topics like climate change and medicine, offering meaningful insights and expert opinions that educate and inform listeners. 

From technical advancements to policy implications and societal benefits, the variety of guests ensures that every episode is fresh, unique, and thought-provoking. 

Selecting the right podcast host 

Through the lens of brand storytelling, your host acts as your story’s narrator. Needless to say, it’s quite an important job. 

When selecting your show’s host, you’ll want to pick someone familiar with your brand – that’s everything from your values and ethos to history. 

Remember to keep in mind what we said earlier about authenticity – audiences are discerning and if they sense your host isn’t really “in it,” they won’t stick around.

On top of that, whether you opt to go for an internal or external host, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Confidence behind the mic: You’ll want someone who can hold their own behind the microphone or carry a conversation (if you opt for an interview format).
  • Expertise: Ideally, you’ll want a host with an excellent understanding of your industry and can offer informed perspectives to your audience. 
  • Recognition: While not a must, it is a nice bonus if your host’s name carries some weight in your industry. This expands both your credibility and reach. 

Meet Mary Carpenter and Jordan Houghton,– the hosts of Fissionary 

Fissionary’s hosts, Mary Carpenter and Jordan Houghton play pivotal roles in building a strong connection with the audience and the show’s wide array of guests, helping to tell NEI’s brand story. 

Both hosts and their roles—Mary in content and digital strategy, and Jordan in media relations—bring firsthand insights into the organization’s history, mission, and the challenges it addresses through nuclear technology. This provides listeners with a deeper understanding of the organization’s evolution and fosters a sense of trust. 

Above all, however, it’s their genuine enthusiasm for nuclear energy and its potential impact that resonates with listeners.

Tailor your guest selection

If your host is your story’s narrator, your guests are the side characters. 

Even though an interview is the most popular podcast format, listeners won’t tune into just any conversation. So when it comes to guest selection, here’s what you should be looking out for:

  • What value and expertise do they bring to the table? Guests should contribute meaningfully to discussions, so whether they’re an industry leader, expert, or simply someone with a cool (and relevant) story to tell, their insights should educate, entertain, or inspire. 
  • Do they have engaging or compelling stories to share? Guests with interesting and engaging stories capture the attention of your audience. Their narratives can humanize complex topics, making them relatable and digestible. 
  • Does the guest fit into your podcast’s niche? Choosing guests who fit into your podcast’s niche ensures coherence in your storytelling. While your podcast shouldn’t live in an echo chamber, the diverse voices and perspectives you feature should still align with the overarching themes of your podcast. 

On top of all that, if you share personal connections and anecdotes with your guests, that’s a bonus. Sharing how you met a guest, quirky stories, or personal connections humanizes the podcast and strengthens the host-guest dynamic. These personal touches make listeners feel included in intimate conversations and your story.

Fissionary’s guest lineup – featuring nuclear scientists, CEOs, and even a pageant queen

One of Fissionary’s standout features is its ability to integrate nuclear energy into a broader cultural and societal context – namely in TV and movies like Godzilla, Spider-Man, and The Simpsons. One reason why the podcast can do this so effectively is because of its robust lineup of guests. 

For instance, episode 4 brings on Zion Lights, founder of a climate activism group and esteemed author, to examine the profound impact of pop culture—specifically "The Simpsons"—on public perception of nuclear energy. 

In a similar vein, episode 1 brings on Grace Stanke, Miss America 2023 and a nuclear engineer, to talk about the ways that nuclear fission contributes to society and how to become a nuclear advocate.

While the core theme remains clean energy, the episode skillfully navigates topics of communication, media influence, and historical context. This approach educates and involves a wider audience by connecting complex scientific subjects with familiar cultural touchstones.

Learning from Fissionary 

There’s nothing that engages people quite like a good story, but when brands enter the equation, it can be a bit challenging to balance telling an authentic, real story that still aligns with business objectives. 

In this instance, the best thing we can do is turn to brands that are doing it right. 

Fissionary by NEI exemplifies how effective audio brand storytelling can educate, inspire, and captivate audiences on complex topics like nuclear energy. 

To see all of these techniques in action, listen to Fissionary wherever you get your podcasts.

Tianna Marinucci

Content Marketing Specialist

Tianna Marinucci is a content creation and digital marketing specialist. She graduated from McGill University in 2021 and has since worked in a variety of industries from interior design to technology.

After traveling to more than 60 countries and working in three, she is inspired by diverse cultures and motivated by unique experiences.

In her spare time, Tianna loves trying new foods, going to concerts, and learning more about history and socio-economics through books and podcasts.



  • Easy to use
  • Automatically distributes your podcast to major platforms.
  • Embed media player.
  • Great if podcasting is a
    side hobby
  • Very basic editing
  • Since it’s a free tool, you don’t have full control over the monetization of your podcast.
  • Not the right platform for people taking podcasting seriously

Free for 2 hours of content per month

$12 for 3 hours per month

$18+ for 6 hours and up

  • Very user-friendly
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  • They measure their size requirements to hours not megabytes
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$5/month for Monthly Storage 50mb

  • Oldest podcast hosting site.
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  • An iTunes Podcast partner.
  • Allows you to publish your podcast to specific directories.
  • Embed media player.
  • Price is based on storage
  • 50mb storage for $5 won’t be enough if you are publishing weekly so you’ll end up with a higher price point

Unlimited audio package: $9/month

Storage space:


  • Great support & customer service features
  • Unlimited audio.
  • Pages are easy to customize
  • Can schedule podcast release dates.
  • Easy to use.
  • Uploads and changes to podcast titles and/or descriptions are automatic to Spotify.
  • Embed media player.
  • Simple Analytics
  • Analytics aren’t as advanced as other platforms
  • Upload and changes to podcast titles and/or descriptions take a day to change on iTunes.
  • Not an iTunes podcast partner.
  • The process to send a podcast to iTunes is more tedious. But, you will still be able to get on the platform.



Monthly Storage


  • Podcast Wordpress plugin and management.
  • If you want to record a new introduction or conclusion, add in a sponsored ad or upload a new version of a podcast, it doesn't count towards your storage usage per month.
  • Blubrry allows a 25% storage overage each month
  • Prices are based on storage.
  • Usability is okay.

Starting: $15/month

Recommendation: $35/month

Monthly Storage: Unlimited

  • Hosts your audio files no matter what the size!
  • Dynamic insertion for podcast ads or edits.
  • Incredibly detailed analytics including number of episodes completed and listener location tracking.
  • Embed media player.
  • Easy to use.
  • Great distribution! Easy access to all major podcast platforms.
  • Customizable podcast
  • Prices are slightly higher than other platforms, but well worth it especially if you have a branded company podcast!

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