Joyful Sundays

Jodi Kovitz
Available on iTunes
Podcast Description:
Joyful Sundays

Joyful Sundays is a podcast series hosted by Jodi Kovitz, delivering weekly insights, inspiration and tools to help you live a more conscious, connected and intentionally meaningful life. Join her as she goes into the minds of some of the world’s most inspiring leaders to discover the keys to unlocking your best self.

Joyful Sundays: Podcast Review

June 18, 2020

Joyful Sundays is an inspiring podcast series designed to motivate you through some of your most challenging days. The description says this podcast will help you “live a more conscious, connected and intentionally meaningful life,” and it does just that. You walk away from each episode feeling inspired and empowered. Jodi is the epitome of the perfect podcast host who knows how to pull the best out of each guest. The guests are all trailblazers in their respective industries who have some incredible stories to share on resilience, breaking barriers, and showing courage.

This podcast has a very similar feel to Oprah’s “Supersoul conversations,” with Jodi’s meditative voice guiding you through various journeys. Highly recommend to anyone looking to start a new podcast series!

Podcast Critic:
Coady Allin

Coady is a Toronto resident, an avid sports fan and all around nice dude who feeds his interests in politics, pop culture and sports through his podcast listening.